Kathryn Watson

Dec 5, 20163 min

Understanding The 3 C's of Social Marketing

If you are frustrated with your results marketing your business on social media, you are not alone. Many of my clients become agravated and feel that social media is a waste of their time.

But the truth is- Social media is not going away- not anytime soon anyway :-)

So it is time to embrace this new way of marketing or hire someone to do it for you. If you want to DIY it is important to understand how social marketing works and what you need to do to succeed.

There are 3 Main Components to A Successful Campaign

Content Creation

Content has long been known as the King of digital or social marketing. Both Google and your prospects like to see lots of good quality, unique content.

Content can come in the form of a blog,video, picture, meme, slideshow and more. This is probably the most difficult part of marketing your business online. Creating content takes time- A lot of it.

This is an area you may want to hire someone to help you with. After all, you are in the business of providing a wonderful service for your clients. Taking the time out of your busy day to create content may eat into your profits.

You will want to have fresh content every week to help your business stand out above the rest. There are a lot of companies competing for attention in the marketplace. Your brand could easily get lost or forgotten. You have to be constantly showing up in the news feed of your prospect.

This is not an easy feat today. With the algorithms changing you probably are not getting the same organic reach you did a year or two ago. A social media strategist will know how to help you get more reach. And you still may need to pay for some digital advertising.

It is important to make sure when you advertise on your favorite social media channel you understand how it works. Download the video 7 Ways to Create Facebook Ads That Convert


The idea is to research and find articles, memes and other digital media. This media is shared on your social media channels to inform and entertain the audience you want to connect with.

Using a combination of your own unique content and that of others will help to brand your company as the expert and "go to" authority in your field.


Content may well be King but as Mari Smith says " Engagement is Queen and she rules the house!"

I love that statement and it is so true. You can have the best content in the world but if nobody sees it and engages with it, you content is useless.

Spending time connecting with others and sharing their content is important. If all you are doing is posting content to your pages you will probably not see any return on your time investment.

Visit the pages of others in your field who may be good referral partners. Reach out and connect to their page. Ask them to connect with your page. And then comment and share some of their posts. Visit often to build a relationship.

Join groups where you can have a conversation. Don't try to sell anything in these groups just connect and communicate.

Author-Kathryn Watson-Social Media Strategist and Founder of

Find Houston Senior Care and Marketing Your Care

Books include:

"Marketing From The Inside Out" 1999

"Help! My Parents Are Aging" 2012

​"Help! I Can't Do This Alone"2013
