Kathryn Watson

Nov 30, 20204 min

Getting Free Publicity For Your Business

When a business owner hears the word "Free" their ears perk up a bit. After all who doesn't want free publicity?

There are several opportunities available if you know where to look. And if you are willing to step up to get your business noticed.

#1- Connect with Local Groups on Facebook and Linked In.

Once in the group though, it is important that you follow social etiquette.

This means do not use the group as your own personal billboard.

Spend time reading and commenting on other people's posts. Also, see if there is anyone you can help. Maybe someone is posting a question you can answer. If someone is looking for help and you know a business that provides the service they are looking for this is an opportune time to be able to refer a business partner you know. Win/win for everyone. Be sure you tag the person you are referring to.

When you do post, make sure to share helpful information that is not soliciting business for yourself. Occasionally it is okay to post something asking for business but that should only account for about 20% of the posts you make in the group. Post links to blogs and videos that the group would find helpful. Add events also.

#2- Be a Guest Speaker on a Podcast or Video Show Will Give You Tons Of Free Publicity!

This is a great opportunity to stand out above the crowd and shine! Look for local shows first but shows out of your area can also be helpful. Why? Because when people see and/or hear you speak they begin to see you as the expert. And most people want to hire an expert. Free publicity like this is worth so much more than paid advertising.

Here is what you need to know if you are asked to be a guest speaker. This will ensure you get asked back a second or third time.

1. Help promote the podcast/show.

That means before the event, share it with everyone you know. Share on FB, LI, Twitter, Instagram, or wherever you have an account. Send to your email list also. Then do it again after the show. Make sure you tag the host each time you share. Remember you are getting an opportunity for free publicity from this host. Show them how much you appreciate the opportunity and respect their time.

2. Be Prepared

Read over and follow any instructions the host sends you before it is time to arrive on the show. Make sure your computer has been updated and your video and audio are working. Have a backup plan if you have internet connection problems. ( I sometimes have to connect my hotspot on my phone if my home internet is not up to speed)

3. Show Up On Time

We are all busy. But out of respect for your host's time please make an effort to arrive promptly. Texting the host at the last minute because you cannot find your link will not give a good impression. Do not be that person. Your business reputation is too important.

#3 Host Events for More Free Publicity

Having "no charge"educational or entertaining events for your crowd will help you stay on top of everyone's mind. It will also give you something good to post on your Facebook page and those groups you belong to. And again it will set you apart as the expert in your field. Offer to share another business's events to your Facebook event page in exchange for them doing the same for you.

Your events can be online or in-person events (once we are safely able to do that again :-)) People want to hear about your events and are often happy to share them with others. And when you have been playing by the rules and helping others you will find more people willing to share your events. And that is great free publicity!

#4 Write a Blog or Be A Guest Blogger

Writing and speaking are two activities that can really help you and your business to get noticed. Just like speaking, writing helps you to become recognized as an expert in your field.

And the good news is, writing a blog is not as hard as it seems. In fact, you can hire writers to do it for you. The key is to find someone who understands or has experience in your industry. You can even have the writer be a ghostwriter meaning their name would not show up as the author. Instead, your name would be added to the article.

You can have the blog post added to your website or you can offer to be a guest blogger for another website. Make sure you are allowed to have a few links that direct back to your website. This will also help with your SEO. This is great free publicity because when your article is on another website it feels as if the other company is endorsing you.

Kathryn Watson has been helping entrepreneurs and small business owners for 20 years. The owner of Marketing Your Care, Find Houston Senior Care, Senior- Conference

, Get More Clients, The Life After 50 Show, and Tuesday Tips For Marketing
