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Facebook Doesn't Work For My Business

Of course you aren’t getting business from Facebook! Did you really expect to? What is your strategy?

If all you are doing is posting to your wall and inviting a few friends to “like” your page, it is no surprise to me that you are not getting anything from Facebook. For some reason many businesses, especially those in the senior care and healing arts industry have not taken Facebook seriously.

The truth is your target market is there.

They are connecting with family and friends to the tune of about 1 ½ hours a day, every day. For a marketer, to have a captive audience, that you can connect with every day is a dream come true. To have the ability to specifically target those people interested in your services is an even bigger dream. A few people in your industry are attracting a lot of business on Facebook, are you? So why are more companies not using Facebook to market their business? Here are 4 Reasons You May Not Be Using FB

  1. You think that Facebook is just for kids. I am surprised to hear that many marketers still think that FB is just for kids. Nothing could be further from the truth. 39.8 million users between the ages of 45-65+ are logging in regularly. This is your target market, right?

  2. You believe that referral business is the best way to grow your business. Absolutely!! You are right. With the right strategic plan, FB will help you to connect with more people and deepen the connections you already have.

  3. You really aren’t sure what to do and how to do it. Like any other marketing strategy, you have to “work it”. You cannot just expect to build it and they will come. You have to invest some time and a little money to get the training you need. Just like investing in training for offline marketing techniques, it is important to also train for online marketing.

  4. You are not sure who should be in charge of the online marketing and are afraid that your marketer will spend too much time playing on Facebook. This is a common complaint I hear when talking with companies about using FB as a marketing avenue. Finding the right person to dedicate to your campaign is important. While you may be tempted to assign someone at your corporate office that role, it is important that your local offices be included and active in all social media efforts. After all, they are the ones that know what is going on in the community they service. This information in invaluable. If you do not have someone who can dedicate the time and energy into your FB campaign, hiring a local company to manage your social media may be the best option for you.

Contact Kathryn to bring Facebook training into your company. Make sure your staff has a strategy and knows how to use it. Call Kathryn @ 281-827-7090

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